What is this Google Tips?
Google has a plethora of services and products to it’s users and also offers an excellent detailed help and faq section to help out it’s users.
Now they have gone even further to streamline how you go about using Google and their products by launching an official tips service called Google Tips
How does it work?
Find a card you like and “flip” it over to learn more. You can share your favorites with friends and even suggest tips for us to add. We’ll keep adding new cards, so come back often to check out what’s new.Since you’re already signed in, you’re all set. Have fun poking around.
Google Tips is currently being offered for Google’s most widely used products namely Gmail, Maps, Chrome, Android OS, Drive, Docs, Keep, YouTube, Google+, Search, News, Play Store and Calendar. Hop over to Google Tips and see what you think.
Google usually has a long-term plan for it’s products and services, I wonder what it might be in this case?